Marketing Consultant Edinburgh, working UK wide.

About me

I live near Edinburgh in beautiful East Lothian, with my husband and three boys who keep me on my toes! Never a dull moment in our house.

As a Mum and ambitious small business owner myself, I’m a big fan of the ‘less is more’ focused approach.

I understand the need to use your time and resource wisely.

I love early morning runs to help clear my mind and escape the morning chaos!

My Experience

I’ve got 20 years of marketing experience and I’m passionate about delivering brand, digital and marketing growth. My experience spans both B2C and B2B in a variety of sectors including charity, public sector, baby, retail and SAAS.

I believe a good marketing strategy is as much about identifying what to cross off the list, as it is what to focus on. I love discovering new AI tools that can help supercharge marketing activity.

I’m based near Edinburgh but work with growing small and medium sized businesses across the UK.

The Marketing Rose Marketing Consultant Mum of boys playing football together in garden
The Marketing Rose Marketing Consultant logo

What’s in a name?

Why The Marketing Rose?

My maiden name is Rose. I love bringing Rose and all its associations to the front and centre of my business consultancy.

My family and heritage are super important to me and my brand.

I’m excited to find out what’s at the heart of your brand!

So what does it mean for you?

If you can excuse the flowery pun, my mission is to help your business bloom and grow!

  • To nourish your brand roots

  • Create firm marketing foundations

  • To deliver a clear strategy to grow.